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Kristen Stapleton's Profile


Kristen Stapleton

Elementary Teacher

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About Me

Educational History:

I graduated West Ouachita High School in 2008. 

West Ouachita High School (@westouachitahs) / Twitter


I gratuated University of Louisiana At Monroe in 2016. 

Bachelors in General Studies 

Bachelors in Elementary Education 1-5


University of Louisiana at Monroe | History | Plexuss

Family Information:

I have been married 6 years to my husband Jay. He is a coach at Riverfield Academy in Rayville. We have two beautiful children Collin who is 12 and attends West Ridge Middle School and Jacie who is 2. My son LOVES all sports but expecially baseball and football. My daughter has just gotten into gymnastics and loves to cheer her brother on at all his sporting events. 

Personal Information:

My hobbies include spending time with my family. I love to travel. I am always up for a road trip with friends and/or family.  I love to cook and have friends over to entertain. I enjoy watching my children in all the activies they are involved in. And when I am not at one of their activites I love being on the beach. 

Kristen Culver

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Contact Kristen Stapleton

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